5. NexCruise Cruise Control

5. NexCruise Cruise Control

What is cruise control?

Cruise control is the feature which makes your car move constantly at a given speed, without you having to keep the accelerator pedal pressed.

How does cruise control in NexCruise work?


You can engage cruise control as soon as the STATE LED changes its colour to white. That is, the car should be moving at a speed higher than 5 kmph and there should be no error indication in NexCruise.

Engaging cruise control

Pressing the cruise button engages cruise control.

Cancelling cruise control

Cruise control cancels by two methods - 
a) Pressing brake while the car is cruising
b) Pressing the cruise button again.

How to tell if cruise is engaged?

When the cruise is engaged, the "CRUISE" LED on the lightbar glows in green colour.

What are the special features of cruise control in NexCruise?

 - A cruise engages at the speed of only 5 kmph

 - Cruise resume

 - Dial driving (aka cruise speed change)

The patented dial driving feature of NexCruise.

This is an article in a series with the Topic "Introduction to NexCruise".

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