Handling emergency

Handling emergency

Say you're driving on a highway at midnight, and your car misbehaves in any way. You suspect this is due to NexCruise.

If this happens, do the following -

Bypass the NexCruise

  1. Turn off the car,
  2. Press the bypass button on NexCruise
  3. Turn on the car and drive.
This will deactivate NexCruise, and restore the wiring to pre-NexCruise configuration. If your issue was due to any malfunction of NexCruise, it will be resolved for now.
If the issue still persists, most likely its not related to NexCruise.

Contact us later and we will help diagnose and fix the issue that might have happened with your NexCruise.

For more details on how bypassing works, read the following article:

Call Aha support

Normally we take calls from 8AM to 11PM IST, all days. We will do our best to respond and help you handle the situation.