3. How to Register your NexCruise

3. How to Register your NexCruise

When we have just installed the NexCruise, registration needs to be performed. For that, follow the steps below:


Here is the sequence. Elaborated later:
  1. Install NexCruise app
  2. Turn on the bluetooth of mobile
  3. Launch app
  4. Turn on the car in ACC mode
  5. Connect
  6. Perform registration
  7. Do OTA update

Step 1: Install the NexCruise app

On your Android phone, open google play store, search for NexCruise and install the app.

Step 2: Turn on the bluetooth of mobile and Launch the app

Step 3: Turn on the car in ACC mode and press connect on NC app

The state LED should be glowing (colour might be different than that shown in the pic here) and all other LEDs must be off.

The colour of STATE LED should not be white before you initiate registration!

Press connect. You should eventually see the following screen:

On this screen, click on "Register Now".

Step 4: Fill registration details

Next, you will need to fill in the registration details.
You will also see the following dropdown box, where you need to select your car.

Failing to select the correct vehicle during registration might result in undefined and potentially dangerous behaviour!
After filling in all details, click "Register now", followed by the OTP that you receive.

This will complete your registration process.

Step 5: OTA update

Next, you will come to the OTA update screen. This is where the NexCruise fetches the software for your car from the server.
Follow the steps given in the "How to do OTA update" article.

Step 6: Verify successful OTA and registration before using your vehicle

Once the OTA update is done, reconnect the NC app and open the About page:

Ensure that you see your vehicle and the message "Last update successful" in the about page after the OTA is done:

If the name matches your actual car and it says "Last update successful, you're good to go!
If the circled vehicle name in about screen doesn't match your actual vehicle, don't use NexCruise and contact support.

Congratulations! You are now ready to use NexCruise!

Click on the link provided to watch related videos:- https://youtu.be/qoW4SECtyPM

This is an article in a series with the Topic "Installation of Nexcruise". 

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